
Nine Out of Ten Rusty Blackbirds

“Nine Out of Ten Rusty Blackbirds” oil on canvas by Susan Beebe...

Northern Hawk Owl

“Northern Hawk Owl” oil on canvas Boreal Birds by Susan Beebe

Five Hundred Ducks

“Five Hundred Ducks” (detail) papier maché by Susan Beebe

Great Grey Owl and Vole

“Great Gray Owl and Vole” papier maché by Susan Beebe

Northern Pygmy Owl

“Northern Pygmy Owl” oil on canvas Boreal Birds website by Susan Beebe

Robin on her Nest

“Robin on her Nest” oil 14″ x 11

Saw-Whet Owl

“Saw-Whet Owl” gouache on paper by Susan Beebe Boreal Birds website

Short-eared Owl

“Short-eared Owl” oil on canvas by Susan Beebe Boreal Birds website

Tar Sands 1

“Tar Sands 1″ tempera and glitter glue 11″ x 13.5”

Tar Sands 2

“Tar Sands 2″ gouache, tempera and glitter glue 6.25″ x 11”

Winter Wren in Wild Garden

“Winter Wren in Wild Garden” oil on canvas by Susan Beebe